Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The long awaited post

Hey guys, here is the long awaited post for a nut free chocolate spread. Now I have never tasted anything like Nutella, or anything like that, so I thought it was O.K. but you know me, I don't care for chocolate. I almost didn't post this recipe because I messed it up initially, but I fixed it the next day. My younger siblings though, were crazy for it! Let's make this stuff:

Here is What you need:

Chocolate Sauce recipe found here (use coconut cream instead of coconut oil, if you want)
3 cups of sunflower seeds (preferably unsalted) 
a splash of coconut milk (I'll explain later)

As you can see in the following three pics, I used coconut cream for this recipe. It did not make much of a difference though the other recipe was richer.

So add your coco powder, sugar, and hot water into the cream and mix.

Until you get a nice consistency. Set this aside.
Now pour the bag of seeds into a food processor (I do not think a blender will work for this)
This will take a while, but be patient! The end will justify the... wait, that's Relient K, never mind. just hang in there and DON'T ADD OIL. Okay? Thanks.
Like I said, it will take a few minutes.
Just keep scraping the sides down...and viola! you have sun butter!
add milk to chocolate (the first time I made this, I placed the chocolate directly into the fridge and then dumped it into this rather warm, from the blades, mixture. It looked ugly, and pasty, so I added milk to my mistake and blended it before adding it to the sunbutter)
and pulse it somemore adding as much chocolate as you want.
Next, spread onto a rice cake and enjoy!
(Note: if you do use salt roasted seeds like I did, make sure you add plenty of sugar!)

This is how I ate it...

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