Sunday, May 10, 2015

My Anaphlaxis Story (Tribute to my Mother)

This may not seem like a Mothers Day post, but I promise you, it is. I would not be alive today if it had not been for my fast thinking mother and my sister Olivia.

It was December, 2008 I was attending a very small Christmas party (and when I say small, I'm talkin' like 8 people. Seriously) at the local community college. My sisters and I were apart of a club (Campus Crusade for Christ) at the college and as a group, we thought it would be fun to throw a Christmas party at the end of the semester for as many of the students as would come. Nobody came, so it was just the five club members, and three family members (my brother, and the wife and child of another member). It was a bit pathetic, but we soon were having fun playing "Dirty Santa" and listening to Christmas music.
    Before my siblings and I left for the party momma told me to make sure that I staid away from nuts; upon arriving, I let the hostess know about my allergy (I felt very responsible), she told me the only thing that had nuts were the brownies (they had walnuts). I made a mental note to stay far away from the brownies, but it did not matter, there were M&M's, Chex mix, there was a Veggie tray, and soda. I grabbed a hand full of M&M's, and consumed several hand fulls of Chex Mix during the party. Around an hour later, I began to feel a very tight pain on the left side of my back, "It's just a spasm." I thought. Breathing became a bit difficult, I excused myself and went to the Ladies room where I tried to stretch out the "spasm". Olivia followed me like a hound dog. "What's wrong?" she demanded, I waved her off telling her it was just a spasm. "Where?" she insisted, I was gasping for air, "My's really bad..." Olivia grew alarmed and called Mom to let her know that we were ready to come home. I went back to get my purse out of the room, but apparently Olivia judged me unable to walk (I admit, my body was curling up),so she and my brother Sean hauled me out of the room (if you have ever seen a person carried off by two police officers, that's how they did it). We had to wait for my other sister Faith, who was saying her good-bye's. I was literally on the floor of the elevator gasping and choking, but we finally got down stairs to where my dad was waiting for us. Olivia helped me into the van, and we rode home in silence (I was grateful to live less than 5 minutes away from the college). When we got home I ran to my room and collapsed onto the floor while Olivia hurriedly gave momma the run down of what happened; they ran into the room after me. Mom was asking me if I could breath, struggling I told mom that I could exhale, but I could not inhale. Mom and Olivia carried me (yes, I was again being manhandled) into the living room and sat me down in a chair. Mom was giving out orders, Olivia was running around getting everything they needed, and daddy was pretty upset too, "They need to make sure that they have items clearly labeled for people who have life threatening allergies when they throw parties!" he was exclaiming, he included that I should not be allowed to eat when i was not in his or momma's sight (he didn't mean it). Mom gave me 4 full doses of Children's allergy medicine, while Olivia rubbed my back with muscle rub; mom told my older sister Faith to put me on my younger brothers' nebulizer. Three hours later, I was a but shaky  but I was laughing and able to take in a breath. Mom, dad and Olivia though, were not sharing in my laughter, I guess I was jittery from having come so close to dying, and they were frazzled have me come so close to death. My mother saved my life (so did Olivia), and I am eternally grateful.

Happy Mother's Day Mom!


Saturday, May 9, 2015

The truth behind "Gluten Free"

    Hola Comrades! I just want to chat for a minute with you about "gluten free" foods, and while it may take longer than a minute for you to read this post, I hope you will keep reading because this is important.
     I have over the years gained experience with shopping allergy safe; it is easier and harder than you may think. If you are like me, there are a lot of foods you must avoid. Sometimes one may feel that there is nothing to eat in the state of Denmark (ok, that was a little cheesy), but if you keep reading, and follow these tips you will find there is more out there than you think. Oh, you may find this helpful as well.
    Not all gluten free foods are equal. I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I have been disappointed to pick up a box claiming "gluten free!" on the front only to find that it "May contain: Milk, Soy, Peanuts, etc..." when I look at the back. Some containers do not eve list some foods as allergens (!) trust me, I have used a cleaner that touted itself as "hypoallergenic" and one of the first 5 ingredients was soybean oil...
    One thing you must learn to do when dealing with allergies is READ LABELS. It could very well save somebodies life. You also need to know all of the alternative words for your allergy (did you know that another name for egg is albumen? It is also spelled albumin),  you can find places online with alternative words, this one is particularly good, in fact the whole website is very useful.
    I have also found some labels that say "gluten free" on the front, but in the ingredients list there is "modified food starch". If you ever run into these labels, my advise is to stay away from them! Modified food starch is another way of saying Wheat, and even if it may be a different kind of starch, like  corn for instance, it is best to just stay away because it could possibly be "contaminated". What does contaminated mean? For the allergic person it means that it may contain traces of the allergen (and for some of us, that could be life threatening).
   Thank you everyone for reading this post, I hope it helps!
Stay safe,

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The long awaited post

Hey guys, here is the long awaited post for a nut free chocolate spread. Now I have never tasted anything like Nutella, or anything like that, so I thought it was O.K. but you know me, I don't care for chocolate. I almost didn't post this recipe because I messed it up initially, but I fixed it the next day. My younger siblings though, were crazy for it! Let's make this stuff:

Here is What you need:

Chocolate Sauce recipe found here (use coconut cream instead of coconut oil, if you want)
3 cups of sunflower seeds (preferably unsalted) 
a splash of coconut milk (I'll explain later)

As you can see in the following three pics, I used coconut cream for this recipe. It did not make much of a difference though the other recipe was richer.

So add your coco powder, sugar, and hot water into the cream and mix.

Until you get a nice consistency. Set this aside.
Now pour the bag of seeds into a food processor (I do not think a blender will work for this)
This will take a while, but be patient! The end will justify the... wait, that's Relient K, never mind. just hang in there and DON'T ADD OIL. Okay? Thanks.
Like I said, it will take a few minutes.
Just keep scraping the sides down...and viola! you have sun butter!
add milk to chocolate (the first time I made this, I placed the chocolate directly into the fridge and then dumped it into this rather warm, from the blades, mixture. It looked ugly, and pasty, so I added milk to my mistake and blended it before adding it to the sunbutter)
and pulse it somemore adding as much chocolate as you want.
Next, spread onto a rice cake and enjoy!
(Note: if you do use salt roasted seeds like I did, make sure you add plenty of sugar!)

This is how I ate it...

New Look

Hi everybody! Have you noticed the sites new look? Please comment below and tell me what you think!

Much Love,

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I'm Back!

Hey everybody! Sorry for the long wait, but I have just finished my finals; do you know what that means? Back to posting! Thank you guys so much for sticking with me through the long period of non-posting. You're the best!