Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Life With Allergies...and Eczema a Personal note

Have I ever told you guys that life can be tough? Yep, it is very trying at times. In spite of what life throws at you though never give up. I have lived most of my life with eczema, and over half of it with allergies, I'm 25 by the way; if I had been told that I would go through all of this at the beginning, before I was born, I would have opted out. Life with allergies and eczema? No thanks. But, here I am and I have to admit, it hasn't been that bad. Sure I've had days when I could not peel (yes, peel) myself out of bed, days when I felt, and looked quite frankly like a pinhead toad (Google it, they're ugly). Those days have come, and they have gone; nothing more than a memory to me now. Something that keeps me going is a saying that doctors, and my mom have told me often: "This too, will pass." It always does, although I get frustrated with what seems like one allergic reaction after another, I remind myself that after it gets worst, it somehow always gets better. Granted, you may need to take action to start the process of getting better, but you do have to start. What do you need to get started? Do you need a doctor? maybe a support group? Help is out there, you just need to know where to find it. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. After I turned 20, I did not qualify for health insurance, but I needed medical help every once in a while, and medication from time to time. So after applying for health insurance and being turned down by the local  Health Department, I asked the lady over the phone what I could do because I really needed help, and the lady told me about a free health clinic program in my area that I qualified for. Lo and behold, I was able to see a doctor not too long after that. Don't sit and suffer! My mom always says that, oddly enough, she is always saying it to me. To live is to fight, and to fight is to live; I'm a fighter. Everyone needs to fight for something. Having a dream makes life a little bit easier, who are you living for? Living for someone else is a great places to start. I am still here because I believe that somehow, I can help someone with my life's experiences; on this blog and later as a doctor. I'm rambling, better shut it down now.

Life's beautiful. Keep fighting,


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